Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can you tell what we have been up to?

The other day Morgan was playing with a stuffed animal and had been carrying him around in a blanket then put him down for a nap in his cradle. She then tells me:

"Mom, I already fed him, I am breast-feeding."


Heidi said...

Morgan is too funny. Im sure she is taking careful note of everything adult. She is such a little lady, we miss her in primary. Jude looks big, darling and healthy!

Dyana said...

Missy....Morgan is a hoooooot! Her innocent curiosity is fantastic and won't stop until Jude has been weaned! Now if only you could wean John.....Hmmm!

Brittany said...

So funny, she is hilarious I love your stories about her. Congrats on the new baby boy he is a doll.

thewestenskows.blogspot.com said...

HA HA HA! That is soo hilarous, however it doesn't totally surprise, of course Morgan would do something like that!