Tuesday, October 16, 2007

One year anniversary

Last Sunday was our one year anniversary. Boy does time fly, actually we talk all the time that it seems like we have been married for years.... not in a bad way, just in way that it's hard to remember life any other way (which is a very good thing). So on Friday night we went and stayed in The Inn on the Hill. It is just down the street from the capitol. It was awesome. I would highly suggest it. We got the "romance package" which meant that while we were out eating dinner I called and told them we were on our way back and they lit candles all over our room. It was so cool to walk back in and have candles everywhere and a CD playing. I loved it. They had a jetted tub and this great antique furniture. And in the morning we got breakfast in bed and we didn't have to check out until 1:00pm! So it was a great time.

But we also talked about how good life is for us. We have a great marriage, a great family, great kids, a great ward, a great house... life doesn't get much better than this. But don't get me wrong, life is not all smiles and rainbows over here...I just told John this morning that I felt like our weeks are like Ground Hog Day. Get up, go to work, go to school, take care of kids, do homework, go grocery shopping, clean the house, blah blah blah... But I guess if you are happy that is all that matters. And I am happy! John is such a great guy, I could never say enough good about him. He is so caring and willing to do whatever is needed around the house or for me. When I was divirced I often pictured who it was I was looking for, because trust me I wasn't going to go out with any old Joe Shmoe, but I found John. He is everything I always wanted. Trustworthy, loving, funny, good-looking, loves the gospel, loves kids, and most of all I guess, loves ME.

I love you John, Happy Anniversary!


Jewels said...

He is a good guy! Tell him thanks again for feeding Colby on Sunday. I thought that was so cute of him to do that. I love the baby whisperer! :)

Annie Miller said...

Very sweet Missy. Sounds like you are so happy. Congratulations! Annie

Natalie Jo said...

so sweet! We miss you in our ward but are happy you are happy! You guys just seem to mesh well!

Kelleen said...

Happy Anniversary! We're happy for you guys.

Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

Yippy we have another blogging friend. I was so excited to look at your blog, it is so cute!It is fun getting to know you guys better, you seriously are such a cute couple. Morgan is hilarious, I know that i have told you over and over again, but honestly the cutest. I hope you two had a happy one year. Aaron and I have almost been married for a year, time flies! Well I am excited to see you next post, hopefully the Halloween Fall Festival! HA HA! WEll have a good week!

NatRat said...

Missy I can't believe it's been a year, crazy! You sound so happy, you deserve it. So, this Inn on the Hill, is it the Inn on Capitol Hill? Me and Collin stayed at the Inn on Capitol Hill and it was a little different experience...if it is the same place, I am glad that you didn't feel too silly. I will have to explain later. Your fam is darling!